Chamberlain barely regained his ability to walk.
Lancelot is so far from admirably fit that he whirls his cape but can barely regain his balance during a particularly ill-timed display of ardor when Guinevere tells him he has taught her the meaning of grace.
She had been walking ahead without missing a step, but now she slipped and nearly sat down in the frozen path, barely regaining her balance in time to keep from pulling Egwene down.
He screamed in pain, barely regaining his senses fast enough to jump clear of the heavy treads bearing down on him.
In 1958, he and Robinson met in a rematch on March 25 and Robinson barely regained the title with a 15 round controversial decision.
The Urriolagoitia government barely regained control of the situation, but the die was cast on the moribund "Oligarchic State" of 1880-1936, resuscitated only temporarily (1940-43 and 1946-52) by the economic and mining interests that upheld it.
He looked down at his speedometer and slowed down, slightly, but nearly ran off the road, actually bouncing off a guard rail and barely regaining control of the car.
But, although Mr. Perot retained a high-profile campaign headquarters in Denver after withdrawing from the race, he barely regained the level of support he had before dropping out.
He swerved to miss it and barely regained control after the evasion.
Blade stumbled backwards, barely regaining her balance before the king slashed upward with his sword, catching her on the collarbone and ripping open an ugly gash.