The last presidential election was the third in a row in which foreign policy was barely discussed.
Although these contentious measures were deferred until after the 1987 General Election, they were barely discussed during the campaign itself.
For one thing, it's still a relatively young syndrome, and was barely discussed at the national level until the 1990s.
But any mercenary motivations were barely discussed yesterday by the 70 lawyers who attended the conference and, as a group, they sported more denim than silk.
Those issues were barely discussed by Mr. Jospin in the first round campaign.
Running a deficit - a big one - is a given, and even issues close to voters' hearts are barely discussed.
Modern artists were not taught and were barely even discussed.
It was hardly deliberated, barely discussed and certainly unrefined.
The plaintiffs say they barely even discussed finances before filing suit.
Yes, the full act was debated extensively, but the amendment on reformulated gasoline was barely discussed - or understood by Congress.