Tellinn graced his agitated lover with a bare glance.
She watched people's faces, giving a bare glance to anything below the neck beyond the social language of clothing.
The barest glance down the length of the Silver Spray showed other lines, some in the hull, others in the barricade.
This he took in with the barest glance, unable to react--because something came looming into his view, swelling with the speed of its approach.
Julian had only taken the barest glance at the cavern below, but what he had seen sickened him.
Roger spared the painting one bare glance, then looked away.
Then he met Dupaynil's eyes, with only the barest glance at the needier still in Dupaynil's hand.
Forbin gave him the barest glance as he headed back from the globe to the teletype.
The man- servant knew the stranger as a patient at a bare glance at those frightened eyes.
Beatrice crossed to the screen, with the barest glance at Henderson, who sat up straighter.