Those who compete in barbecue contests never tell anybody anything.
There are more than 90 barbecue restaurants in the metropolitan area and the American Royal each fall hosts what it claims is the world's biggest barbecue contest.
A barbecue contest was under way in the shaded area near the road, and the Shriners were operating a fish fry in the near corner.
The centerpiece of the event is the barbecue contest, in which grilling teams will compete for a grand prize of $10,000.
Calling All Barbecue Hands Summer backyard cooks who think they really know about barbecue have a chance to become judges at an annual barbecue contest.
More than 75 events are planned this year - including music festivals with rockabilly, blues, gospel, rock and classical works; a barbecue contest, and art exhibitions.
The barbecue contest is divided into several categories: brisket, pork ribs, pork shoulder, chicken, sausage, side dishes and dessert.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the world's largest pork barbecue contest.
A barbecue contest was held in tents in downtown parking lots.
During May weekends, Memphians throng the riverbank for events - a music festival, a barbecue contest, a symphony.