Like most other barbarous nations their institutions are not infrequently characterized by superstition and cruelty.
All those colonies had established themselves in countries inhabited by savage and barbarous nations, who easily gave place to the new settlers.
In ancient times the opulent and civilised found it difficult to defend themselves against the poor and barbarous nations.
Some particular branches of commerce, which are carried on with barbarous and uncivilised nations, require extraordinary protection.
Caesar will uphold the necessity of thoroughly romanising the barbarous nations of the West.
Pope Adrian called the Irish a "rude and barbarous" nation.
They were not to discuss the current problems with that, to Hay, mindless grasping barbarous nation.
Only to be cut to ribbons in some barbarous nation near the edge of the world.
The militias of some barbarous nations defended themselves much better.
-- It seems the colonel had reference to the code of barbarous nations.