He called on Congress to pass a law allowing the S.E.C. to bar officers and directors from companies through administrative proceedings instead of court proceedings.
It would subject the military to civilian courts and would bar military officers from running for political office this year.
But public outrage at the case prompted Defense Secretary William Cohen to bar officers accused of misconduct from retiring until the charges against them are resolved.
He resigned in February 1873 because of a federal government policy that barred officers from holding state or municipal offices.
Mackey's own salary is about $400,000 a year, owing to a policy that bars officers from earning more than 14 times what the average company employee makes.
The declaration wants to bar officers from writing about the agency even after the two-year cooling off period post-retirement.
Gain implemented policies that proved unpopular with his staff, such as painting police cars powder blue, and barring officers from drinking on the job.
He said the rules would generally bar former officers, including founders and venture capitalists, from shaping compensation policy.
Initially, the Sarbanes proposal did include a provision allowing the S.E.C. to bar officers and directors through an administrative proceeding.
In 1986, for instance, the court held that the Air Force could bar officers from wearing skullcaps.