Suzuki, who is 30, has a lot of baseball left in him, barring injuries.
Do you have any comments as to what team should play at Sheff next week, barring injuries.
But he is being groomed, and his true unveiling, barring injuries, may be delayed for a season or two.
They have known since the spring who their opening-game starters will be at nearly every position, including all 11 spots on offense, barring injuries.
After all, as a robot, MC 6 can expect a much longer life than any human, barring injury.
I think the team will do well, barring injuries, and I'm just happy with what I see.
There was virtually no doubt that Rose, barring injury, would get that longevity record when he got close to it.
Coslet said Esiason will play "every snap" of the game, barring injury.
What I said is if we stay focused and barring injuries, there is no reason we won't win it this time.
Despite the Rangers' lack of success with a highly paid, veteran-laded lineup, the team's forwards are essentially set, barring serious injury.