Between them extends the bar of the mouth, that only opens the way by a narrow channel.
A white bar extends from in front of the eye around the tympanum and to the arm.
But the wooden bars extended underneath the cage, and he didn't have the strength to break them.
Diagonal red bars extend from the corners of the flag over a white field.
The bar extends along the left wall with a stuffed mar-lin arched above it that I suspect was never really alive.
The bar simply extends into another set of cleats on the other door such as to interfere with the door opening.
The grille bar only extended from the center section to the bumper guards.
It is unusual in that the middle bar does not extend outside of the vertical posts, and all pieces have square edges.
Note that the bars for the asymmetric tile extend partly outside it.
The bars of the anterior region extend below the dusky dorsolateral area.