During the night of the 23rd the Japanese made their final banzai charge.
He also refused to permit banzai charges, which he regarded as an unnecessary waste of his men's lives.
He was especially stunned that Kuribayashi's men had never attempted a banzai charge.
If you pull another one of your banzai charges, I'm going to cut your feet off.
The forces had to fight back a fierce Japanese counterattack in the form of banzai charges.
Dream red beaches, banzai charges, kamikazes, paper cities and B-29s.
However, their banzai charges failed to have much effect against the Allied troops who used camouflage tactics.
Saito made plans for a final suicidal banzai charge.
Neither large scale counterattacks, withdrawals, nor banzai charges were contemplated.
The unit survived two banzai charges and inflicted heavy casualties on the Japanese.