Straight ahead several long banners of mountains unfurl, each one tacked higher on the horizon than the one before it.
With his lips close to her ear, kissing gently every moment or so, they watched the immense banners of stars the night had unfurled.
A handsome new walkway has been installed, trees planted and banners unfurled here.
Unopened since the death of Muhammad, the banner will unfurl when the Mahdi appears.
As the magical word boomed through the stadium, great banners unfurled from the proscenium arch.
See the banners unfurl, silk and gilt, and hear them snapping overhead.
A gray banner unfurled, covered with blazing red letters.
From the vessel's maintop a long swallow-tailed banner unfurled.
One of them raised a lance from which a banner unfurled, spreading as the breeze plucked it.
"Shed no tears for broken Hearts," said a banner unfurled at one end of the ground.