Mr. Krenz evidently succumbed to pressure from rank-and-file party members, who demonstrated last week with banners demanding an immediate congress, and to the lightning-like chain of events.
Once again setting a public agenda, as they have for the last two months, they held up a black banner demanding "Immediate Elections."
Dozens of students staged a demonstration in front of the British High Commission in New Delhi and carried banners demanding "Justice for Jacintha".
At one point Wynalda hired an airplane to tow a banner demanding the team fire Calloway.
When fully assembled, the atheists' stall is draped in yellow banners demanding the separation of church and state, and is attended by members wearing smart blue baseball caps.
The skirmish reached memorable proportions when Wynalda hired an airplane to tow a banner demanding Calloway's firing.
On Friday, a few thousand paraded in front of Parliament with banners demanding elections that would be "unbe-Krenzed" - unrestricted by people like Mr. Krenz.
The police detained 15 Crimean Tatars today after members of the ethnic group held up a banner demanding the right to live in their homeland, a dissident said.
They produced this banner demanding a public vote on the plan to enlarge Europe's bailout fund.
During the board meeting, at 1 Liberty Plaza, protesters held banners demanding jobs and low-income housing.