The equally odd banner which the god is holding may also contain a symbolic reference to the god's domain; the large terminal shape appears to be a stylized fish.
In particular, the banners contain several images of notable socialist/communist figures, and captions capture similar sentiments.
Many banners contain explicit socialist or communist references, having renderings of Marx, Lenin, and other prominent figures such as miners' leaders, or politicians.
The banner contains the taglines "The corruption is contagious" and "The conspiracy is global," and links to the film's Web site, where snippets of dialogue about "payoffs, cover-ups, unmarked graves" can be heard in the trailer.
Their banner contained a huge cartoon drawing of a pig.
Finally, the banner beneath the emblem contains the historic Candon City Charter - Republic Act 9018 of March 28, 2001 declaring Candon as a city.
The red banner contains the national motto of the nation: that translates to English as "Unity, Struggle, Progress".
The Balinese Badung (Puri Pamecutan) royal banner also contains red and white element, their flag is red, white, and black that probably also derived from Majapahit origin.
The banner "contains no cholesterol" on cooking oil bottles, for example, disguises the fact that the product derives all its calories from fat.
A banner containing the words "Give us our Eleven days", a protest against the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, which was carried by the Tories, is on the tavern floor.