Both their countries are burdened with bankrupt ideologies.
It's the bigoted backward bankrupt ideology of a left wing establishment that perpetuates division and denies opportunity.
What New Orleans didn't need is Magic Markers or the far right's increasingly bankrupt ideology.
The left is responsible for a lot of problems because of their bankrupt ideology.
Labour's literally bankrupt ideologies got us into this mess - how about we don't try their method of getting us out of it?
For the last 40 years, Neo-Liberalism has been a bankrupt ideology that has utterly failed 90% of the population.
The adherents of one bankrupt ideology lecturing the adherents of another, like two bald men fighting over a comb.
The truth is, Neo-Liberalism is a bankrupt ideology that has utterly failed 90% of the population.
The one-time glamour boy of the left is last seen clinging to a bankrupt ideology in a bankrupt country.
Baathism was a bankrupt ideology.