If we are to blame anything for our current woes, then, let us point the finger at those institutions that are truly guilty: America's hopelessly bloated and ethically bankrupt corporations.
He had heard of Darring, for the man had accomplished remarkable results in handling the affairs of bankrupt corporations.
While legal bills, on average, soak up just a few percent of the assets of bankrupt corporations, a small percentage can still mean big money.
Peter is determined to resurrect his uncle's nearly bankrupt corporation by exploiting the dinosaurs that were secretly bred on an island not far from the site of the original Jurassic Park.
Now that he has become an expert at turning around bankrupt corporations, Suits has also acquired a broader vision for his talents.
Some bills would give pension plans the first call on the assets of bankrupt corporations.
Worse, bankrupt corporations were propped up by loans from banks responsive to political leaders, as in the case of Indonesia, or beholden to corporate conglomerates, as in Korea.
But by far the most troublesome area, industry advisers and regulators agree, is distressed securities - the bonds, notes and stock of troubled or bankrupt corporations.
Moreover, United Companies, like most bankrupt corporations, has not been able to file its financial statements in a timely fashion, leaving investors to rely on outdated quarterly statements from last September.
There the court decided that as a matter of standing a trustee for a bankrupt corporation cannot pursue claims against those who defrauded the corporation with the cooperation of management.