American bankers, fearful of their exposure in the third world, insist that is a very good deal for the nation.
Many bankers, perhaps not surprisingly, insist the answer is no.
Other bankers insist that the industry has finally learned its lesson.
But in South Florida, bankers often insist that builders sell half or more of their units before they will commit money for a project.
Further, say managers, bankers are increasingly insisting on the approval of unit owners - either by a simple or two-thirds majority vote.
In 1967, a banker insisted that Toronto be remembered with respect.
This is why bankers who volunteer for an interview insist on anonymity.
However, other bankers insist it is too soon to be sure of the effect on future debt negotiations.
With the economy still limping, bankers insist they will not lower credit standards.
He and his bankers insisted his domestic holdings remain sound.