A banked track was constructed in 1923, but it had fallen into disuse again by 1930.
It features banked, paved 1/2 and 1/3 mile oval tracks.
Reynolds, who is training on the flat and hasn't run on a banked track in three years, knows that won't be a cinch.
But there has been some greening on the banked track.
All of his indoor races have been on banked tracks, which provide a sling-shot effect on the turn.
It was the first meet on the 200-meter indoor banked track, the only one in the metropolitan area.
The league is composed of more than 120 women divided into five teams who skate on a banked track.
Gordon is no bully on the banked track, but bump him and he will find a corner to bump you back.
Cars on the banked track seem about to fly off over the surrounding rooftops.
Track cycling encompasses races that take place on banked tracks or velodromes.