A banked curve to the right turns the train back around to face towards the station.
Then the train heads up a banked curve into a corkscrew and a 230 degree turn into the final brake run.
He heard the whine of engines as the drivers changed down to lower gears and accelerated into the banked curve.
There was this lateral straight across the shoulder of the mountain, then a big banked curve.
Another notable use of the first Garden was as a velodrome, an oval bicycle racing track with banked curves.
After being slowed down, riders are pulled down a banked curve into a ground helix.
Drivers can go up hills and take their cars through skids and a 50-degree banked curve.
Towards the end, the ride has a sudden drop into a sharp banked curve through a tunnel before entering the brake run.
Two banked curves, killers if you didn't take them right.
The upper panel in the image at right shows a ball in circular motion on a banked curve.