The central bank is urging whoever wins the election to keep the current government's pledge to balance the budget by 2015.
A banker at one member of the Citibank syndicate said the banks had been urging Campeau to announce a plan describing how it would deal with its crushing debt load of more than $7 billion.
If the central bank is better than the market at distinguishing liquidity shocks from fundamental shocks, then the central bank should convey this information to lenders and urge them to relax their funding requirements.
The I.M.F. and Argentina's central bank have urged Mr. Duhalde to adopt a mandatory bond program to solve the banking system's lack of liquidity.
The bank urged governments to promote family planning to help couples achieve goals of lower fertility and to lengthen the intervals between births.
In the new bridge-loan environment, banks no longer urge mortgagors to pay off their debts.
But the bank is urging card holders to contribute their Citidollars toward a pledged $500,000 donation to 16 national charities.
But the banks, too, urged the Government to grant the visas.
Really, those Swiss banks ... Maximo had urged Castro to transfer the money to Spanish and Cuban banks for months, ever since the dictator was diagnosed with cancer.
Campeau's largest creditors and banks have urged the company's directors to withhold the payments to suppliers.