Yesterday was also the end of the two-week bank statement period, when banks often scramble for overnight funds with which to balance their accounts.
That was like dropping the starting flag, and banks scrambled to set up strong beachheads in investment banking.
The banks are shamelessly scrambling for the huge Arab fees.
The following international banks are now scrambling for profits in Australia.
Private investors and central banks have scrambled in recent years to stock up on gold.
Some analysts predicted more mergers as banks scramble for customers in the new environment.
Moreover, Japanese banks are scrambling to offer many of the same services provided by their broker cousins.
On such days, banks often scramble for funds with which to square their accounts with the Fed.
As a result banks and mortgage companies are scrambling to keep up with a reduced workforce.
Such rises are common at the end of the two-week bank reporting period, when banks often scramble for funds to square their accounts.