Some analysts said they did not expect the fall to stop until the country's central bank pushed interest rates higher.
And central banks, in an effort to curb price rises by slowing economic growth, could also push interest rates up.
The central bank has already pushed the federal funds rate on overnight loans between banks down to just 1 percent.
Big commercial banks have long pushed to expand across state lines and into related financial markets.
The bank does not push programs enough for that.
Central banks stepped into the market several times during the week and sold dollars, pushing the currency down.
He did not believe that the bank would really push them to the wall.
With so much more money involved here, lawyers said the banks would push the court to impose the law scrupulously.
The central bank has already pushed its short-term interest rate target, which is now 3.75 percent, up three times this year.
Japan's central bank has pushed interest rates about as low as they can possibly go.