The bank also posted a small rise in net income for the third quarter, a period when many rivals had deep losses.
The bank posted losses in the hundreds of millions for 1987, 1989, and 1991.
The bank also posted a big increase in nonperforming assets, a harbinger of possible lending problems.
In late February 2009, the bank posted a profit of €78 million for the 2008 calendar year.
Among other things, banks posted a card with a A$300 credit limit to potential clients, following analysis of their accounts.
First Union and other big regional banks posted strong gains.
The bank posted a return on equity of 19.9 percent for the quarter and 17.7 percent for the year.
Most big banks are still posting poor results from businesses tied to the capital markets, like lending or private equity investments.
By 1989, the bank posted a profit of $1,300,000.
Japan's leading commercial banks, many among the world's largest, posted disappointing results this week for the first half of the fiscal year.