Those centers were closed two weeks ago when the banks froze the company's assets, causing 1,800 people to lose their jobs.
The bank had frozen our accounts -corporate and personal.
Every sector of the economy is going to take a hit as consumers slash spending, banks freeze credit and governments scramble to find a solution.
But when it got rid of the local partners, Kazakh banks froze its accounts and the government started a public campaign against the company.
The major exodus of American business began in 1985 when foreign banks froze new credits to South Africa.
Local banks, fearing the country may default on its debt obligations, have frozen most new lending.
The order also requires banks to freeze any assets found to belong to them.
Swiss and Cypriot banks have frozen scores of accounts in the past year.
The company has $354 million in convertible bonds maturing next Tuesday, and its banks froze a $1.25 billion credit line last week.
Ultimately, 12 more banks had their deposits frozen and were either seized by regulators or forced into bankruptcy proceedings.