He must reassure clients that the bank will be competing with other banks and not internally.
But as these ties dissolve, banks must compete more fiercely for customers.
Because the banks currently compete in so many states, the merger may face particularly close scrutiny from antitrust officials.
To be able to provide home buyers and builders with the funds needed, banks must compete for deposits.
Executives of both large and smaller institutions agreed that size alone would do little to help American banks compete.
Such sharing is likely to continue, bankers said, even though Japanese banks are now competing for the more profitable role of lead bank.
The bank would also compete for government and various ministry budgets as a deposit taker.
The larger banks are competing for the business of the Fortune 500 companies, and we don't look at them.
He said he would never have acted if banks really competed on credit card rates.
The banks are competing for international capital, and that will keep the pressure on for greater returns.