Other loans with variable interest rates went unpaid as bank clients confronted rates in the triple digits.
Wall Street merger specialists, eager to earn multimillion-dollar fees for helping arrange a deal, have submitted dozens of proposals to their bank clients.
But the bank insisted that none of the documents that were shredded before the action by the guard contained information about specific bank clients.
Now, bank clients who live in the European Union pay a withholding tax on the interest made by certain investments.
Judge Lake asked if the defense intended to call other bank clients and Mr. Carroll responded he would call three or four people.
Union Trust once filed suit against an aggregator, Paytrust, to keep it from asking bank clients to share their online identification and passwords.
The company also plans to expand microinsurance sales, tapping its network of 500 rural bank clients.
And MGM and the other bank clients will continue to compete for talent with everybody else in the industry.
As a more serious example, consider classification of bank clients, from the viewpoint of bankruptcy risk, into classes safe and risky.