In consequence of those two calls, therefore, the bank capital amounted to L5,559,995 14s.
Thus the massive reduction in bank capital just described has reduced the credit available to businesses and households.
Before the nation worries about bank capital, it will need human capital to create a banking system.
This would stretch out the negative effect on earnings and on bank capital.
I am willing to put some of my personal fortune into the bank capital in order to save it.
By this point total bank capital had reached negative 245 trillion rupiah.
For example, banks can now use good will in their calculations of bank capital.
Because of the stock market's steep slide, banks are suddenly having trouble meeting new international standards for bank capital.
The agreement provides Mexico with some bank capital and has been a spur to investment.
How do we get over political interference if bank capital is at risk with the macro-economic consequences of that?