When some bank customers checked their balances about five weeks ago, bank auditors noticed discrepancies.
The details of the McDougal rise and collapse as bank auditors got onto him have by now been much chronicled.
The authorities in the Bahamas have said the Kimeses are under investigation in connection with the disappearance of a bank auditor in 1996.
Cheryl Lovell, 41, a bank auditor, who recently moved to the area, recalled walking down nearby Hillside Avenue with her grown daughter a week or so before the July attack.
Federal investigators and bank auditors initially estimated the loss as high as $76 million, then reduced it to $38 million.
Locally he was a member of Nes council board and bank auditor for 30 years.
Inside was money enough to interest a bank auditor.
And the authorities in the Bahamas are interested in questioning the pair about the disappearance of a Middle Eastern bank auditor.
And like the House bill it would also require bank auditors to inform regulators of any financial wrongdoing they find.
That discrepancy was eventually noticed by bank auditors in 1998, before the Federal inquiry began, but it did not prompt a closer look at the couple's financial dealings, according to people close to the bank.