Silent bandaged figures stared at her from behind glinting glass.
Loren rolled his head towards the sound, and had a blurred glimpse of a bandaged figure in an adjacent bed.
The small bandaged figure of the young girl seemed almost lost in the hospital bed.
The bandaged figures look a bit like mummies from an old horror movie - noseless entities, seeming not entirely human.
Dark, bandaged figures hovered all around me.
Still others have described it as a bandaged figure or as a helmeted thing.
Flick glanced expectantly at the bandaged figure of Eventine.
The bandaged figure on the bed groaned sofdy and opened one eye.
"I hate to do this to you," said Monnik to the bandaged figure, "but I've got another job for you."
I don't think you've met your great-grandma,' he said, indicating the shorter bandaged figure, who nodded gently at Teppic.