In one episode the band steals a chicken from the old fisherman Gorian, who is honest, poor and works hard.
To Hill's astonishment, the band stole the show and quickly became darlings of the music press.
Someone, somehow, had suddenly realized that a band of skilled space fighters was stealing under excellent cover toward the dome.
Arthur's queen Guinevere hires a band of thieves to steal it back.
Were in fact extinct in that part of the world where my band stole through the night.
Before he started back, however, another band of Indians appeared near the post and stole some horses from the stage company.
The band stole the show and became hot news once again.
The Indian attacks resume when a band of renegades steals horses from the railroad camp.
During this, the band steals "She" away in the car.
The band stole the festival and quickly became popular again.