Marauding bands of patriots and loyalists roam the countryside, burning houses, hanging entire families.
As a result of this chance, he and a ragged band of Imperial soldiers still roamed the riot-filled streets, cutting down scattered looters.
Roving bands of inmates roamed the prison grounds looking for more hostages.
After his being deposed, Iyasu and a small band of followers roamed the Afar Depression for five years.
I wonder how many other bands of outlaws are roaming around.
Marauding bands roamed at large, plundering and burning.
Quarrelsome bands of the unemployed roamed the streets, harassing Gage's soldiers.
They didn't know that another hundred such bands were out of their mountain holes and roaming the countryside.
That day, bands of angry whites were roaming the city.
In ruined Berlin, several bands of abandoned children roam the streets, engaging in petty crimes.