Andrei Zhdanov had already commissioned a celebratory piece from Dmitri Shostakovich, entitled "Suite on Finnish Themes" to be performed as the marching bands of the Red Army would be parading through Helsinki.
With the ship's guard and band paraded, the parting ended with the playing of God Save the King.
The speaker's platform was empty, but several small bands paraded through the gathering throng, blasting out marching tunes and working up the crowd.
Loyalist bands paraded and laid floral wreaths at the base, and Billy Hutchinson of the Progressive Unionist Party (and King's former Maze Officer Commanding) made a speech honouring King's memory.
A marching band usually parades along the main road where they halt at each individual winner's house where various festivities steeped in tradition take place (see above for details).
The bands paraded to the flag pole where the national ensign was raised and the vast throng stood bareheaded during the playing of the 'Star Spangled Banner' and 'The Yellow and Blue.'
The Imperial Color Guard had given a show of precision drill work, and the official bands of many individual Sectors and planets had also paraded around the floor, entertaining the waiting audience.
Bells burst forth into joyful chimes, maroons were exploded, bands paraded the streets followed by cheering crowds of soldiers and civilians and London generally gave itself up wholeheartedly to rejoicing.
On our most recent visit, a band of mongooses paraded through the bar, warthogs mowed the lawn, and a flock of weaver birds tried to steal popcorn from the tables of unwary guests.
Reception committees met his train ... A lively band and an automobile procession of his followers paraded into town ... A large rope was attached to the wagon tongue so more men could assist in pulling their hero.