Gang of Four (band) guitarist Andy Gill was hired to produce their first album.
Since the release of the reunion concert album, original band guitarist, Zal Cleminson, announced his departure from the band.
One song, "Zero Gravity" is an unreleased song written by Archuleta and his band guitarist Mike Krompass while recording the album.
After the moderate impact on the charts from Hands All Over (2010), the band guitarist James Valentine expressed some frustration in its lackluster sales and said that a new album may be coming sooner than was originally planned.
He is, rather, one of the great band guitarists, able to suggest lead and rhythm figures while anchoring the swing of the group and filling out its sound.
In down time from the band guitarist Walker Howle has concentrated on his artwork as well as headlining local shows under several names including PigMan.
Moss moved on to play as Jimmy Rogers' band guitarist for another three years, before going solo.
Jorge Barcala - Lead Guitar (original band guitarist on first 2 albums)