In 1948 Russell retired from full time music and opened a notions shop, with irregular band gigs and teaching music on the side.
Mike Burney (sax): I'd been doing really boring big band gigs on the ballroom circuit, so when Roy offered me a job in Wizzard I was just knocked out.
DRUMMER required for ambitious, original, London based band, transport, image essential, gigs waiting.
Alo reveals that he has arranged a band gig at the Bloods' house, and that if they charge a £5 entrance fee, they can get to Paris in Alo's van.
His talent, then, seems still alive and well, but just no longer so attuned to big band gigs and crowd pleasing.
I get band gigs on weekends,' he said.
Every day is a battle for Dixie, totally broke and working for nothing to get his beloved band gigs, their egos grow with their stardom.
They agreed the piece should be developed through band gigs in clubs rather than in a theater setting in order to preserve a rock energy.