The song is noteworthy because the band eschewed the guitar-laden choruses many songs of this period had (e.g. power ballad), and instead relied on percussion arpeggios and multi-layered sounds.
Although the band eschews labels and are often categorized with the punk and post-hardcore music scenes, that is mostly due to association.
Project 86 has sometimes been labeled a "Christian band", although the band itself eschewed the label.
On the latter album, the band had largely eschewed the synth-heavy sound of Cupid & Psyche 85 and Provision.
The band favored its indie status and eschewed major labels.
In making the album the band largely eschewed sampling in favour of more synth experimentation.
Though the band has typically eschewed the label of math rock, they are considered recent innovators of the genre.
The band also eschewed corporate sponsorship for a tour that year.
Despite this history, the band eschews straightforward political commentary within their lyrics and art in favor of poetic and artistic symbolism.