The single also featured a Christmas message from the band, entitled "Holier Than Thou".
The song was released on a 1999 tribute album for the band, entitled We Love Butchers.
The benefit concert, held on September 17, 2005 was recorded and became a new, live album for the band entitled Reloaded.
Clarke also recorded a song with the band entitled "Dead Man's Shoes".
The recording was made and distributed to promote the forthcoming second independent album from the band entitled Flight.
It was announced in late 2010 that there would be another release from the band, entitled Heavy Sky EP.
The album's third track, "Elected", is a rewrite of an earlier song by the band entitled "Reflected".
This record was recorded as a tie-in with a movie starring the band also entitled Umbarumbamba, but the film was not a success.
This experimental band, entitled "Centipede on the Roof" began to acquire as many members as possible and continues to grow.