The band is red and bears an image of a tobacco field within a broad border.
Two Conan's band had borne a charmed life until now.
Some of the progenitors of the movement are picking up long-dormant careers, and a few new bands bear its squalid mark.
The band that will play Coachella will be fronted by Lydon, but otherwise bears little resemblance to the PiL that fans remember.
When used as academic dress, these bands usually bear specific patterns denoting the wearer's affiliated institution and academic degree.
Durante's band bears no relationship to the hip-hop musicians of the same name.
Probably the band had borne its casualties away, as a troop ought to.
Since 1988 the band has been proudly bearing the name of its sponsors the Vernon Building Society safeguarding the bands continued existence.
This release would take a Dove award for "Special Event Album" in 2001, although by that time the band would bear no resemblance to the one which recorded it.
Although the band bears the name Gospel Claws, and its members originally connected through church experiences, Gospel Claws is not a Christian band.