Real reform would mean banning all soft-money contributions to political parties.
This is the first presidential election since new campaign financing restrictions went into effect, banning the so-called soft money of unlimited contributions to political parties.
Still, the judges said, Alaska lawmakers were justified in banning corporate and union contributions to parties.
Republican leaders fiercely oppose the campaign finance measure, which would ban the large unrestricted donations to political parties known as soft money.
It would effectively ban the large unregulated contributions, or "soft money," to political parties that were at the heart of the 1996 campaign finance abuses.
But he said they did not need to agree with his call to ban the unlimited unregulated donations to political parties known as soft money.
Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties.
In addition to prohibiting contributions over $250, the city bar association proposal would ban donations over $1,000 to political parties.
That ended the last major Senate challenge to the effort to ban unrestricted donations to political parties.
As a remedy, he proposed banning anonymous donations to political parties.