They are also warning residents that in some areas breaking the ban can result in hefty fines or jail time.
A ban of the album enacted by major retailers resulted in the record selling well through independent vendors instead.
California nursery growers estimate that the bans will result in sales losses of at least $50 million this year.
When the disease caused several deaths among American children being treated with growth hormone, a ban resulted.
Owen's sending off resulted in a five match ban.
The ban resulted in the concert being canceled shortly before it was to be held and after three thousand tickets had been sold.
He said that the treatments are uniquely effective and that the ban resulted from hysteria over the drug.
Some scientists fear that if the movement gains momentum, a ban on all animal research could result.
It predicted that a ban would result in an additional 20 to 40 million deaths due to food spoilage.
There is a clear danger that a ban on them might result in severe shortages of these products.