A recent poll finds that, while the Mormon Church has officially banned polygamy for more than a century, only 54% of Salt Lake City residents support the prosecution of polygamists.
In current times, Tunisia is still one of the very few predominately-Islamic nations that has legally banned polygamy, another notable nation being Turkey, which has been noted to have a significant amount of western influence.
Congress sought to halt the practice by imposing political and economic sanctions on the Utah Territory, and in 1890, to gain statehood, the Mormon Church agreed to ban polygamy.
Sallabi would not oppose Hamas' armed struggle against Israel and supports the lifting of laws banning polygamy.
Johnson was baptized into the LDS Church at the age of eight, not long after Church President Wilford Woodruff's 1890 Manifesto banning polygamy was issued.
Needless to say, one can't imagine an Islamic regime banning polygamy.
However, for a long time, the law banning polygamy has not been efficient.
Mayotte will have to ban polygamy before it becomes a department.
This marriage ran contrary to the LDS Church's decision to ban polygamy in 1890.
Furthermore, Tunisia bans polygamy and the Islamic practice by which a man can divorce his wife with a simple declaration.