Then this decision taken to the Court of Cassation and the ban lifted.
François Mitterrand, and Georges Pompidou tried to get the ban lifted but failed.
Let's assume for the moment that the ban was actually lifted, say, 10,000 years ago.
This ban, however, was shortlived, lifted only a week after implementation.
But the group challenged the request in federal court, arguing through its lawyers that it wanted the ban lifted immediately.
With the ban reluctantly lifted October 1999, Turbo returned in full force just 4 months later with their 5th album "Email my heart".
As of January 14, 2011, after the Tunisian revolution took place, the headscarf was authorized and the ban lifted.
After months of legal wrangling, Mr. Jha's lawyers succeeded in having the ban lifted this spring.
The ban was lifted in 1405, reinstated in 1550 then lifted again in 1567.
It's not the first time women have tried to get the driving ban lifted.