A vote to ban gambling on amateur sports should be, in sports terminology, a blowout.
His other achievements included banning gambling, fighting political corruption, and adjusting state agencies to operate on a non-partisan basis.
Other accounts hold that he was removed because he refused to ban gambling.
Applying only to Muslims, the laws would ban gambling, alcohol and prostitution, among other vices.
"For all practical purposes, it would be a nonevent if they do decide to ban gambling on basketball and hockey,"
But the state constitution bans Nevada-style gambling, so officials had threatened to shut the casinos down.
They banned drinking, gambling, trafficking in women and domestic violence.
The revolution put the lid on the nightlife by banning gambling and deporting the Mafiosi.
He said that he planned to introduce legislation to ban such gambling when Congress returns next week.
He said the bill's sponsors were looking to ban gambling.