Some townships are also banning food outright, a development cheered by Mr. McWilliams.
But the administration has generally opposed legislation that would ban candy, soft drinks and unhealthy food from school vending machines.
Oliver then began a formal campaign to ban unhealthy food in British schools and to get children eating nutritious food instead.
In recent years, Ocean Beach has received attention for its laws banning certain food and beverages in public places.
The Chicago El completely bans food and drink; it allows customers to carry bottled water during "periods of extreme heat."
Maine is the only other state to have banned irradiated food, but similar bans are being considered by New Jersey and Massachusetts.
Zambia has banned donated food that has been genetically modified.
Austria and Luxembourg have totally banned genetically modified food.
One reason Mom's cookies are not making it to camp anymore is that many camps have banned food from the bunks.
Austria and Luxembourg have banned genetically engineered food.