The American Telephone and Telegraph Company has banned certain employees from its semiconductor production lines.
In the other executive order, Mr. Spitzer banned employees in the Law Department from making financial contributions to any campaign committee he establishes.
The bill would authorize the Commissioner to ban certain companies and employees from operating there.
Leading companies are investing in privacy and security due diligence as they handle sensitive customer data, doing reference checks on employees, providing secure physical environments with cameras, and banning employees from using cellphones and other gadgetry on the work floor.
Established in 1977, the casino commission can ban management executives as well as employees and union officials.
South Korea's securities laws ban employees of securities companies and dealers on the stock exchange from holding shares or trading on inside information.
But after arson in areas of ethnic white workers homes near the Stock Yards on August 3, the management banned African-American employees from the stockyards in fear of further rioting.
The trend toward faster midday meals has been long in the making in France, but got a fresh nudge in January with a law that bans salaried employees from putting in more than 35 hours a week.
On Monday, the administration of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani announced a bill that would allow the city to regulate all businesses in the market and to ban companies and employees found to be linked to organized crime and corrupt acts.
The measure, Mr. Wagner said, would ban political leaders, public officials and employees of the central board from serving on any of the local boards.