Most cosmic ray studies are done by balloon-borne instruments with flight times that are measured in days; these studies have shown significant variations.
An alternative hypothesis stems from a gamma-ray discovery made by astronomers working with balloon-borne instruments.
From its earliest days of sounding rockets and balloon-borne instruments, to Apollo and Hubble and missions to Mars.
The ozonesonde is a lightweight, balloon-borne instrument that is mated to a conventional meteorological radiosonde.
"As it is," he said, "global air temperatures are measured mostly by balloon-borne instruments or by satellite-borne radiometers, which measure infrared and some other forms of radiation."
At the Hilo airport, weekly balloon-borne instruments are prepared and launched to measure ozone from the surface to usually over 30 km.
Scientists studying information obtained by balloon-borne instruments have deduced the production of such antimatter.
NOAA scientists measure the amount of ozone vertically using a balloon-borne instrument called an ozonesonde.
Archeops was a balloon-borne instrument dedicated to measuring the Cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies.
New research by balloon-borne instruments, reported last month, showed similar microwave variations, strongly supporting COBE's results.