It releases biodegradable balloons, five feet in diameter, filled with helium and containing the ashes of humans, pets or both.
After the movie is over, the audience applauds wildly and leaps to its feet while balloons and streamers fill the air.
The hydrogen gas must be manufactured, and the balloon filled, at the Arctic launch site.
The balloon filled the whole screen in seconds.
Light sticks sailed down onto the vast stage, and balloons scribbled with the new stars' names filled the air.
Inside the auditorium, vibrant music blared and balloons filled the stage.
Meanwhile, red hot dog-shaped balloons fell from the ceiling of Madison Square Garden and filled the floor section.
Shooting sparklers and orange-and-black balloons representing the Orioles' colors filled the air near the warehouse sign.
Adverse weather conditions led to the mission being aborted, but the balloon filled with air whilst being towed along the ground.
This wasn't like a child's balloon filled too full and about to burst.