Stewart had a wedge shot into the 10th green and wound up making a double bogey when the ball wouldn't hold.
He started as though he'd just noticed me, and crouched to serve again, the ball held in his left palm like some strange plastic offering.
These balls hold scenes of past crimes in them, causing him to be a suspect at first.
If ball does not hold together in water, add a bit of matzo meal.
How on earth do they get the balls to hold their hands out !!
Handball only allowed if ball held clearly in one hand and punched or hit out with other.
Without the ball and chain of school holding them back, they're liberated.
A hollow ball can hold much more energy in its vibrations.
Walker celebrated Villanova's victory by running with the ball held high over his head.
Feel like I'd split apart if my balls weren't holding me together.