An angry blue ball of energy flashed from the weapon and slammed into Faeyahr, driving him back several meters in the reduced gravity before he crumpled to the ground.
Five times the ugly balls of dark metal that were mines flashed toward him.
A ball of flame flashed from the mage's hands to burst directly upon the elf - without effect.
His head struck against a steel pipe and an expanding ball of fire flashed inside his head.
The ball flashed through the air, took the bunker with a dozen feet to spare, and rolled on to the green.
Even expecting to hear that name, a cold ball of panic flashed into being in Raeder's stomach.
The ball of flame flashed across her eyes as she turned and -when she whirled back to look, it had landed in the tall grass.
A little ball of silver paper flashed away and bounced.
Hibs could not stop Millar shooting from 22 yards after a long period of Saints possession but the ball flashed just wide.
The ball flashed upward, then, encountering the first nail, bounced from one to another.