Balancing disciplinary responsibilities within parenting is common in many Asian cultures, including China, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and Korea.
Jr., the All-Star center fielder of the Seattle Mariners, tries to balance personal and public responsibilities.
It is often difficult for women to balance textile production, domestic responsibilities, and agricultural work.
Other challenges that OCSE faces are balancing the rights and responsibilities of non-custodial parents with the needs of the custodial parent and child.
The drafter must become very conversant with the complexities of the contemplated transaction and may not balance the parties' interests and responsibilities fairly.
'What Democracy Is All About' So the ruminations continue as those who treasure history and learning try to balance competing responsibilities.
Support your teen in developing healthy habits and attitudes, help him or her make wise choices, and offer guidance in how to balance responsibilities.
While traditional liberalism has emphasized the rights of the disadvantaged, the policy institute talks about "balancing rights and responsibilities."
"But if there are tents here that aren't always used, it means people are balancing other responsibilities, like childcare, jobs, or college."
Both wives and both mothers, the two ministers understood how to free the other for family duties, how to balance professional and domestic responsibilities.