As a result, countless communities, from the charred fringes of the Amazon to the spreading suburbs of Seattle, are balancing growing needs and limited resources.
Making a movie is like chess: It is a series of steps that you take one at a time and it's balancing resources against the problem, which in chess is time and in movies is time and money.
According to fellow writer and good friend Mark Danner, Chace considered the Vietnam War a classic example of a nation failing to prudently balance interests and resources, and saw the Iraq War as another example.
Vietnam, to James, was a classic example of the failure prudently to balance interests and resources.
"Chess is an analogy - it is a series of steps that you take one at a time and it's balancing resources against the problem, which in chess is time and in movies is time and money," he says.
The task of planners was to balance resources and requirements to ensure that the necessary inputs were provided for the planned output.
The player must balance a good infrastructure, resources, diplomatic and trading skills, technological advancement, city and empire management, culture, and military power to succeed.
Indeed, figuring out how to balance limited resources is the biggest concern for most small public companies in light of the new regulations.
The aim is to ensure a sustainable future for UK coastal and offshore waters through managing and balancing the many activities, resources and assets in our marine environment.
But first things first - the main thrust of the Hevesi report is the need for a long-term financial plan that realistically balances Yonkers's needs and resources.