Mero's camp found itself parading suffering patients before the press, trying to balance privacy with urgency.
The TSA is dealing with these opposing arguments and continues to examine and adjust its screening policies in the best way to balance security and privacy.
The design attempts to balance community life and personal privacy.
Rather, it is the single person who is in the position to balance a social life and complete privacy.
Yes, the lessons for balancing proximity and privacy are tough, but such learning is essential for all of us in the 21st century.
We can balance privacy and monetization, I guess.
He asked whether the act, which balances privacy and national security, was "being administered properly," a question at the heart of the intelligence committee's work.
"Conceptually, we've come up with an approach to balance security and privacy and yet give the visitor the experience of being in Sing Sing."
It's a fine line, balancing our freedom, security and privacy.
As we all know, legislation must balance personal privacy and the fight against crime.