It balances academics and sports.
All students are encouraged to participate and to learn to balance academics, athletics, and the arts.
Under the guidance of Red Storm coach Yuri Gelman, Bratton was able to successfully balance academics and athletic aspirations.
This flexibility allows students to maximize their opportunities to learn at SSHS as they balance academics with interest-based electives.
Rain initially had a difficult time balancing dance and academics and received low grades during the beginning of junior high because of his frequent dance practices.
Its stated mission is to balance challenging academics with a mindful approach to learning and life.
"I see people go off to college and have difficulty balancing academics and the responsibilities of a college scholarship," Teuscher said.
Being a member of the squad requires dedication and time management to balance academics, conditioning, practices, cheerleading at football and basketball games, and performances at various events.
It might seem daunting for a Division I college athlete to balance academics, playing a sport and coaching a youth team, but Nored swears he's enjoying himself.
Since its inception, NCAS member institutions have proved to be effective advocates for balancing academics and athletics.